Free 1:1 Tutoring
If you’re a current TRiO student, you can request free 1:1 tutoring!
- Log in to Atlas using your MU Username & password (what is my username?)
- Select the “Tutee” tab
- Under “Courses I’d Like Tutoring in” select the blue “Edit Courses” tab
- Select what courses you’d like tutoring in, and select your availability at the bottom
- Once submitted, Tutor Coordinator Doug Clark will look for your tutor. Contact Doug at if you have any questions about TRiO tutoring
Not sure if you’re a TRiO student? Contact Taylor Stevenson at
***Wanting to be a tutor? We are hiring for all subjects! If interested, Apply here on Handshake, or contact for any questions!
TRiO Advising & Financial Coaching
Use MU Connect to make an appointment with your TRiO Advisor or TRiO Financial Coach.
TRiO Scholarship Incentive
Earn entries for a chance to win a $500 MU Scholarship!
TRiO Events
Use TRiO’s MU Engage page to RSVP for upcoming events hosted or co-hosted by TRiO.
TSO: TRiO Student Organization
Want to get involved with TSO? Join the TSO GroupMe!
TRiO Social Media
Campus Partners
TRiO students often use resources provided by our campus partners:
- CARE Team
- Career Center
- Disability Center
- Learning Center
- Office of Community Engaged Learning
- Office of Global and National Fellowships
- Office of Financial Success
- Office of First-Generation Initiatives
- Office of Undergraduate Research
- Student Health & Well-Being
- Study Abroad
- Tiger Pantry
- Transfer Center
- Writing Center
- University Libraries